
Oct 25, 2015

My Morning Offering

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops, all members of All Franciscan Orders and of the Knights of Columbus, Apostles of Prayer, members of my parish family, the spiritual health, physical health and needs of my own family, those who have asked of my prayers, those who have no one to pray for them and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month.

Jesus, Lord, I offer you this new day because I believe in you, love you, hope all things in you and thank you for your blessings.  I am sorry for having offended you and forgive everyone who has offended me.

I ask of You for myself and for those dear to me the grace to fulfill perfectly Your holy will, to accept for love of You the joys and sorrows of this passing life, so that we may one day be united together in Heaven for all eternity. Amen.

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