
Oct 25, 2015

My Little Litany

Image result for all saints imageFather God Creator of Love, Have mercy on us.
Lord Jesus Christ through your Holy Name, Have Mercy on us,
Holy Spirit through whom all God's gifts are made known, Have mercy on us,

Mother Mary, Mother of Christ and Our Mother, Pray for us.

Saints Francis and Clare, pray for us

Saints Ambrose, Anthony, Augustine, Bridget, Didacus, Elizabeth of Hungary, Emery, Faustina, Francis de Sales, Genevieve,  Ignatius of Loyola, James, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, John Paul 2, Joseph, Juan Diego, Maria Goretti, Maximillian Kolbe, Oscar Romero, Padre Pio, Patrick, Paul the Apostle, Peter the Apostle, Raymond, Stephen,  Teresa of Calcutta,
Thérèse of Lisieux, Thomas the Apostle and Vincent dePaul pray for us.

Blessed Solanus Casey and Michael McGiveney pray for us.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen and Father Mychal Judge, pray for us.

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