
May 18, 2015

Pentecost Novena Prayer

Come Holy Spirit
Awaken within me the knowledge
of what you are calling me to do
at this time in my life.

Lead me so I can grow in my love for Jesus
and be of greater service to our father
Holy Spirit, help me to be open
to your grace and gifts within me.

Give me the courage to embrace 
What is more lifegiving.
Help me to witness to others
How you are working in my life.

 Am I being called at this time to 
  • Enter a new ministry?
  • Deepen my faith through studies?
  • Deepen my prayer life?
  • Deepen a relationship?
  • Have better balance in my life?
  • Invite others to share in my love for Christ?
  • Be more open to sharing my talents and time?
  • Be more generous with the gifts I have received?

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